Year |
Title |
Source |
Link |
2020 |
'Playing Srebrenica'. Theatre plays in the Netherlands regarding Srebrenica |
Y. Eski (ed.): Genocide and Victimology (Series: Victims, Culture and Society). Abingdon: Routledge, 138-150. |
2020 |
Introduction to a special issue of Oñati Socio-legal Series: Practices of Memoralization and the Process of Social Reconstruction (samen met Gema Varona Martinez) |
Oñati Socio-legal Series 10, no. 3, 535-543. |
2020 |
The Srebrenica Exhibition (samen met Dion van den Berg) |
Oñati Socio-legal Series 10, no. 3, 544-562. |
2019 |
Non-healing Rituals and how to build a peaceful future: between Memory and Oblivion |
Paul Post & Martin Hoondert (eds) (2019), Absent Ritual. Exploring the ambivalence and dynamics of ritual. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 119-135. |
2018 [2019] |
Srebrenica: Conflict and ritual complexities |
Martin Hoondert, Paul Mutsaers & William Arfman (2018[2019]): Cultural Practices of Victimhood (series: Victims, Culture and Society). Abingdon: Routledge, 20-38. |
2016 |
The Cultural Complexity of Victimhood |
Tilburg Papers of Culture Studies nr. 163 |